I feel fortunate to be able to attend
some more PD beginning tomorrow. This time it will be an IB
workshop here in Hong Kong on the PYP Exhibition:
"The Primary Years Programme (PYP)
exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a PYP school and
student, synthesiszing the essential elements of the PYP and sharing them with
the whole school community. As a culminating experience it is an opportunity
for students to exhibit the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB)
learner profile they have been developing throughout their engagement with the
PYP.” (Exhibition
The workshop leader has set up a
website which includes some readings for the workshop. Exploring the website
and spending time with the reading materials was a great opportunity to
"tune in" to the topic – and get excited about the workshop. I especially
enjoyed reading the following three articles:
about Curriculum-as-Inquiry Framework (Jann Pataray-Ching and Mary
the Curriculum with Students: a conversation worth having (Kath Murdoch and
Le Mescam)
Inquiries (Ann Hickey)
In order not to create another super
long post, here just some quotes and thoughts that resulted from reading Pataray-Ching & Roberson’s article.
“The inquiry cycle […] provides a
curricular framework that puts the learner at the center of the curriculum and
establishes seamless and ongoing connections between learning and inquiry.”
“[…] inquiry-based curriculum is
built from learners’ interests and must be personally and socially significant
to spur lifelong curiosities, lifelong wandering and wondering.”
“Misconception 1: Inquiry is too
complex for young learners. - […] Research shows that children as young as
infants and toddlers actively inquire throughout their daily lives and are
indeed able to understand complex thought, even prior to school.”
“Misconception 2: Inquiry is just a
fancy name for doing research. - […] inquiries involve a series of experiences
that extend beyond the simple search for answers in a textbook or encyclopedia,
making the traditional view of student research subset of, rather than another name for, inquiry. A goal of
inquiry classrooms, then, is to help learner move beyond perceiving inquiry as
looking up information in textbooks and encyclopedias and to adopt a
philosophical stance of viewing learning.”
(I think this is the most thought-provoking part of the article
for me because what I usually do in the library is focus on just this small
part of the inquiry. I put too much focus on information retrieved from books
and websites, no including enough other sources of information and experiences.
I wonder how I can make that better…)
“Misconception 3: The duration of
inquiry studies should be no more than two weeks. - […] Providing children time
for inquiry exploration is vital. […] prolonged thought of, and extended
interactions with, an inquiry experience encourages interconnection and a
deeper sense of knowing.”
“Misconception 4: In an inquiry
classroom where learners are responsible for gathering resources and
information, the teacher does not need to teach. – […] the inquiry teacher
works to establish and organize a climate for inquiry so that students develop
the tools to explore their curiosities and become more thoughtful, reflective,
and inquisitive individuals.”
(I would have added here that we also provide them with the
necessary skills, in my case for example in teaching them how to search for
information sources efficiently.)
“Misconception 5: Inquiring through
disciplinary perspectives and sign system perspectives is no different than
planning integrated units of study. – […] when children inquire through
disciplinary and sign system perspectives, their questions drive the
curriculum. However, in integrated untis of study, the predetermined infusion
of content areas dictates the curriculum, preventing children’s authentic
questions from emerging.”
“Misconception 6: An inquiry
curriculum is impossible to implement because teachers have so many other
subjects to teach. – […] An inquiry curriulum is not intended to be another
“teaching idea” added onto the existing curriculum. It is a philosophical
framework that guides instruction.”
“Misconception 7: It is worthless to
implement an inquiry curriculum because it cannot be graded. – […] inquiry
classrooms redefine grading. Evaluation is essential but its primary purpose is
to support student reflection and growth so that learners are equally
responsible and accountable for their learning. […] When children are
responsible for evaluation, they have a greater personal investment in their
own learning process and personal growth.”
“Misconception 8: Implementation of
an inquiry curriculum does not guarantee that students will score better on
standardized tests; therefore, the curriculum is useless. – […] Research
indicates that students in whole language classrooms did as well or better on
standardized tests compared to students in skills-oriented and phonics-based
classrooms […] and that students’ test scores increase in inquiry classrooms.”
“Misconception 9: Students should not
inquire about the same topic throughout the school year because students will
fail to learn the “common stock of knowledge” that society expects all educated
persons share. – […] Inquiry, when used to support children’s ongoing
questions, has tremendous potential for lifelong learning. Students learn the
values of longevity, persistence, depth of exploration, and continual
questioning, qualities that can be applied to learning any concept or topic,
qualities that prepare students for the 21st century.”
I also liked how the authors describe the six roles the inquiry teacher takes on in the classroom:
- Inquirer
- Supporter of learning culture
- Listener and observer
- Question poser
- Organizer
- Co-learner
I guess I picked this article to
share a bit more because it somehow addressed one of the questions I have
regarding Exhibition: what do you do when students realize when looking
for information sources on their topic that there aren’t any or none age-appropriate?
Do you steer students towards another topic? So far, I would have said, steer
them towards another topic. But after reading this article I am thinking maybe
this is just because I think of inquiry too much as traditional research,
finding answers in books and webites…
I hope that participating in the
workshop will help me to find an answer to this questions and show me in
general how I can support students better with Exhibition – and I am sure this
is not just during the actual Exhibition period but throughout the PYP.